Patello- Femoral Joint SynDROME
Anterior knee pain, or patello-femoral knee pain, is a term used to describe pain originating from the knee cap. Usually this type of pain gradually builds up over time and feels particularly sore when running (especially downhill), going up and down stairs and hills. It can also be painful with prolonged periods of sitting. Pain is often vague and aching around the knee and cannot be localised to one spot. It is not unusual for the pain to move around the anterior, and occasionally lateral and medial portions of the knee.
Treatment for anterior knee pain is varied and has to be tailored to each individual. This is because there are a great number of factors that lead to pain, these include:
- Rolling in of knees when running , squatting or lunging
- Increased pronation
- Poor biomechanics
- Weakness around the pelvic and knee region
- Decreased flexibility
Because there are so many causes of patellofemoral pain, treatment involves a tailored sports physiotherapy program that specifically targets predisposing factors. Treatment options may include taping, soft tissue massage, dry needling, strength program and assessing and correcting biomechanics. Our sports physiotherapist will identify the cause of your knee pain and aim to treat specific to your needs.